What’s in Your Dog’s Christmas Stocking? Plato Pet treats
[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/My-dog-Ace-loves-Platos-Thinker-Sticks.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”348″ alt=”My dog Ace with Plato’s Pet treats Thinker Sticks” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]Note: That Mutt has partnered with Plato Pet treats to bring you this post.
Do you provide your dog gifts for the holidays?
I believed it would be fun to ask a couple of dogs what they would like to discover in their Christmas stockings this year. (OK, I asked their owners.) You’ll discover their answers below.
I understand my own dog Ace would like to discover a stocking full of tennis spheres during our holiday gift opening.
Well, stuffed squeaky toys would likewise do. And likewise any type of food!
If your dog is TREAT CRAZED like mine, the Thinker Stick singles from Plato Pet treats make a truly adorable choice for stocking stuffers.
More about the Thinker Sticks from Plato Pet Treats
Just leave a comment below to enter to win some Thinker Sticks for your pup. Klikk her.
The Thinker Stick singles are a new addition to Plato Pet Treats. They are individually wrapped, so they make the perfect stocking stuffers for dogs.
The treats contain NO:
added sugars
artificial colors
artificial preservatives
soy, corn or wheat
The “Thinkers” come in three protein options – duck, poultry or Pacific salmon as well as contain gluten-free brown rice as the only grain ingredient.
Ace likes the salmon flavor best, as well as you can assumption who else goes nuts over these sticks (my feline Beamer!).
The reason I like these sticks is since they’re a healthy treat with genuine ingredients, however they’re likewise fun to snap into pieces. The sticks are soft, and I break them up as well as stuff them into Ace’s Kong toy.
In addition to the Thinker Stick Singles, the Thinker Sticks are likewise offered in 22oz or 10oz bags. (When they’re in the bags, they’re not individually wrapped.)
Order a bag of Thinkers here.
What would your dog like to discover in his Christmas Stocking?
I asked a number of dog enthusiasts what their dogs would like to find in their Christmas stockings this year.
Here’s what they had to say:
Shannon K. Steffen as well as her dogs Dakota & Cheyenne:
“Labrador retrievers like to chew on things. So, Santa puts extra-large antler chews in their stockings each as well as every year. These make our whole family happy – they get something they like as well as I get to keep my shoes intact for one more few months.”
Senior Airman Robyne Keller as well as her dog Chance:
“If possibility might have anything in his stocking, it would be his granny as well as Grandpa. They miss him extremely much.”
Beaux Cooper as well as her dogs Izzie & Murphy:
“As anyone knows, no two dogs are alike in character so our babes’ stockings will differ just as they do. For Izzie: ropes, ropes, as well as more ropes! She likes them as well as always lights up when she pulls one out of her stocking. Murphy will be getting new booties for his sensitive feet as well as most likely a bandanna to draw out his soulful eyes!”
Vivi Kalvig as well as her dog Atom:
In Atom’s own words ?
“A bag of old, dug up bones with some meaty gravy as well as a few of that pasta salad that you never provide me! Also, a big teddy bear I can rip apart without being told off, a pair of fluffy slippers just for ME, a big, bouncy, gumball as well as a soft bed with a fluffy throw. Woof!”
Adelaida Diaz-Roa as well as her dog Mico:
“I go biking with my pup all of the time so I’m believing of getting him some goggles as well as a custom bit helmet.”
Jo Jo Harder as well as Romeo:
“My top dog Romeo would like to discover a ‘chicken’ in his Christmas stocking. I have never seen a dog get so excited just upon hearing this word!”
Nancy Lauseng as well as her dogs Benson & Duke:
“I’d like for our black lab Benson to discover some tennis spheres in his Christmas stocking. That’s all he truly wants so he can play fetch all the time long. If Benson’s happy, everyone’s happy!
“I’d like for our hound dog fight it out to discover some rawhides in his stocking so he doesn’t eat Benson’s tennis balls. He would likewise like to discover a squirRel i strømpen sin siden hans entusiasme jager ekorn. Jeg foretrekker at det er et utstoppet dyrekorn, så vel som ikke en ekte! ”
Kimberly Gauthier så vel som hundene hennes Rodrigo, Sydney, Scout & Zoey:
“I år skal vi fylle hundene våre på lager med leker bestilt fra Etsy. Våsene våre er super lidenskapelige for å støtte små bedrifter, og vi ønsker å være støttende. Jeg krysser fingrene for at hundene vil legge en ny kjøttkvern i strømpen min. Jeg er på den store hundemamma -listen. Jeg er flott! ”
Hva med resten av dere? Hvordan vil valpen din oppdage i ferien hans i år?
Jeg antar at de fleste hunder vil sette pris på noen Pato Pet -godbiter, så det er derfor vi tilbyr denne fantastiske gave!
Giveaway – Vinn Platons tenkerpinne -singler for hunden din!
Platon Pet Treats gir bort et gavesett med tenkerpinne -singler til tre heldige besøkende av den mutten.
*Gratulerer til vinnerne: Malley, Sandy W. samt Rhonda
Hver mester vil få et begrenset utgave -gavesett som inkluderer hver smak pakket sammen. Bedårende!
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Må ha en amerikansk postadresse for å vinne. Jeg vil velge tre vinnere tilfeldig onsdag 16. desember.
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