Archives 2022

Eksempel på en balansert rå kjæledyrhundmatoppskrift

I løpet av de siste årene har jeg matet alle hundene mine på et rå kjæledyrhund -mat. Jeg har vekslet mellom å få ferdiglaget, industriell rå kjæledyrhundemat i tillegg til å sette sammen hundenes egne rå måltider selv.

Ingenting slår komforten ved å dishing ut et balansert, butikk kjøpt rått måltid, men det er mye dyrere. Et av våre foretrukne merkevarer er sponsoren vår, Darwin’s! (AFF -lenke)

Selv om det krever mye mer krefter å finne opp med oppskrifter på valpens rå måltider selv, er det mye mer kostnadseffektivt. Jeg integrerer forskjellige komponenter fra en rekke kilder som rå kjæledyrmatforhandlere, dagligvarebutikker samt bondemarkeder.

Oppskriften nedenfor er et eksempel på en av Missys & Buzz’s Raw Meals.

Eksempel på balansert rå kjæledyrhundmatoppskrift

Jeg satte dette rå måltidet sammen i samsvar med den grunnleggende rå fôringsformelen til:

80% muskelmassekjøtt
10% rå kjøttfulle bein
og 10% organer

Du vil merke at måltidet har en rekke proteinkilder. Resonnementet bak dette er å holde måltidet interessant. Det sørger også for at valpene får alle de forskjellige mineralene så vel som vitaminer de trenger. Ulike kutt av kjøtt fra forskjellige dyr består av forskjellige næringsstoffer.

Balansere rå måltidene over tid

Ikke hvert eneste rå kjæledyrhundmatmåltid må balanseres i tillegg til å bestå av muskelmassekjøtt, rå kjøttfulle bein så vel som organer.

Prøv i stedet å oppnå en balansert ernæring over programmet på 7-10 dager. Ofte vil jeg bare servere et fjærkrebenkvartal eller en andramme for ett måltid, i tillegg til å sørge for å legge til organer i neste måltid.

Nøyaktig samme gjelder forskjellige proteinkilder. Ikke hvert eneste måltid kjæledyrhunden din spiser har å bestå av kutt av kjøtt fra forskjellige dyr. Du kan mate fjærkre i 2 dager i tillegg til å bytte til å overholde to osv.

Jeg baserer proteinalternativene mine rundt kjøtttilbud som er oppdaget både på internett så vel som i murstein og mørtelbutikker. Jeg lager også normalt opp når jeg ser organisk bakken kalkun eller storfekjøtt i salg i matbutikken.

Hvis jeg ikke ender opp med å mate kjøttet den dagen jeg kjøper det, går det i fryseren i noen uker opp til jeg krever det.

Jeg kjøpte komponentene for denne rå kjæledyrhundmatoppskriften fra 3 forskjellige steder:

Rå fôring Miami (Duck Wing, Tyrkia Gizzards, Ground Beef Lung, Ground Eco-Friendly Tripe, Beef Oxlip, Organ Mix Monstermash)
Local Farmer’s Market (Chicken Foot)
Dagligvarebutikk (hermetisk gresskarpuré og organisk egg)

Jeg la til litt hermetisk gresskarpuré så vel som et organisk egg inkludert skallet for et ekstra ernæringsmessig løft.

Pumpkin Purée er rik på fiber så vel som bra for fordøyelseskanalen. Egg er en total proteinkilde siden de består av alle 8 nødvendige aminosyrer. De er også fulle av mineraler, vitaminer, så vel som omega-3 fettsyrer. Se artikkelen vår, kan hunder ha rå egg?

Eksempel på balansert rå kjæledyrhundmatoppskrift:

(For å se større eller skrive ut, klikk her.)

Det tar bare Missy & Buzz en brøkdel av tiden jeg brukte på å sette sammen måltidene sine for å rense ut skålene sine, det er akkurat hvor mye de liker sin ferske mat!

Jeg er spesielt glad for nøyaktig hvor entusiastisk surr er om de rå måltidene. Han benyttet seg av å være en ekstremt fin eater tilbake da valpene spiste kibble i tillegg til våt mat.

Jeg måtte regelmessig rotere merker så vel som smaker i tillegg til å komme med en rekke måltider for å få ham til å spise. Ofte ville han til og med gå bort fra bollen sin. Jeg mener det var hans subtile metode for å fortelle meg å slå opp ting !!

Hva mater du kjæledyrhunden din denne uken? Har du noen form for bekymringer for rå fôring?

La oss forstå i kommentarene!

*Få våre tre gratis Raw Pet Dog Food -oppskrifter nå! Klikk her

Relaterte råfôringsartikler:

DIY Raw Pet Dog Food Recipes
Rimelige rå råhundematoppskrifter
Hvordan lage dehydrerte rå godbiter

Barbara Rivers komponerer med jevne mellomrom for den mutten om å mate kjæledyrhunden hennes en rå kjæledyrhund mat kosthold. Hun er bloggforfatter i tillegg til å bevare bloggen K9s over kaffe.

Darwin’s Duck Necks review and Giveaway!

My dog Remy got to try the free range raw duck necks from Darwin’s natural Pet Products. He loves these treats!

Raw duck necks can be fed as a treat or as part of a meal. since raw poultry bones are soft and pliable, dogs can easily digest them. Chewing on “raw meaty bones” helps to exercise a dog’s jaw and clean his teeth and gums.

This post is sponsored by Darwin’s natural Pet Products.

The company’s duck necks are available exclusively to its subscription members, but we’re offering a giveaway that anyone in the U.S. can enter!

If you’d like to order Darwin’s raw food for your dog, it’s really easy to get started. Darwin’s has an awesome trial offer: 10 pounds of food for just $14.95! That’s up to 75% off! No code required. lære mer.

Darwin’s Duck Necks Review

Darwin’s free-range duck necks – what I think

I feed my dog Remy a raw diet, but even if you don’t feed your dog raw food, he can still enjoy the benefits of an occasional raw treat.

Duck necks are considered “raw meaty bones.” Raw poultry bones such as chicken, turkey and duck bones are soft and pliable, making them easy for dogs to digest.

Cooked bones are hard and sharp, so you only want to give your dog raw bones.

I recommend the duck necks from Darwin’s because raw duck necks are a convenient and safe way to introduce “raw meaty bones” to your dog’s diet. They’re a good option for dogs and puppies of all sizes.

There’s also something I enjoy about enjoying my dog crunching on a raw meaty bone! eating raw food is natural for dogs, and the duck necks from Darwin’s make my weimaraner so happy!

Don’t be surprised by how quickly your dog might chew up and eat a duck neck! Remy loves them, and he eats his in just a few minutes.

I know it’s hard for some dog owners to get used to the idea of feeding their dogs raw bones because I used to worry about this too. but don’t worry, raw duck necks are a very safe option for your dog.

If you’d like more information on feeding your dog raw bones, That Mutt has several articles you can read:

Which bones are safe for dogs?

How to safely feed your dog raw bones

The benefits of raw poultry necks for dogs

Pros of Darwin’s free-range raw duck necks – Are duck necks good for dogs?

Ja! here are some of benefits of raw duck necks for dogs:

Duck necks are rich in omega-3 fats

They are a source of vitamin B3

They promote a healthy gut

Raw bones clean a dog’s teeth

Duck necks work a dog’s jaw

They contain glucosamine & chondroitin for healthy joints

Poultry bones are soft and pliable and can be fully digested

Darwin’s duck necks are from free-range ducks

They come in sealed, 2-pound packages (about 8 necks)


There really aren’t any cons to the raw duck necks except a few common sense things to keep in mind when feeding any type of raw food or any type of bone or chew.

You want to introduce new treats slowly to your dog’s diet to avoid an upset tummy, especially if your dog is not used to raw food.

Any type of bone, chew or rawhide for dogs has a slight choking risk, so make sure to supervise your dog.

All raw meaty bones are a bit “gross” and messy so you may want to feed them outside, on a towel or in your dog’s crate.

The duck necks may also not be for you if they’re out of your budget. However, they still might make a great treat for your dog every now and then! I hope you’ll enter our giveaway by leaving a comment at the end of this article!

Where to buy duck necks for dogs and what is the cost?

The free-range duck necks from Darwin’s are available in 2-pound packages (about 8 necks) for $8.49 per package. Each duck neck is roughly 7″ in length.

The duck necks from Darwin’s are available to the company’s existing customers who have subscription memberships.

Darwin’s delivers raw dog food meals to its customers every two weeks, and customers have the option of adding duck necks (and other treats) to any order. learn about a trial membership here.

To add duck necks to your order, call Darwin’s customer service at 877.738.6325 or send their customer service an email at

In addition to raw duck necks, Darwin’s also offers:

complete raw diets

organic raw diets

prescription diets for dogs with unique health needs

lamb femur bones

green tripe

jerky treats

Learn more about Darwin’s HERE.

How to feed a dog a raw duck neck

There is a small choking risk when you give your dog any type of chew, bone, rawhide or toy. With duck necks, this risk is slightly higher for larger breeds since big dogs are more likely to try to swallow a duck neck whole.

Safety tips when feeding your dog raw duck necks:

1. try holding the duck neck while your dog chews it (if he is not possessive).

This will help him learn to slowly crunch up the bone a bit before swallowing.

Don’t be alarmed if your dog does swallow large chunks of the duck neck. As long as it “fits,” your dog will be just fine. For example, Remy will crunch upEt helt kyllinglår bare to eller tre ganger før du svelger, og så “nedover det går!” Ingen stor sak.

2. Et annet alternativ: Gi hunden din litt plass, men overvåker.

Dette er det motsatte av ovenfor, men fungerer bedre for noen hunder. Hvis hunden har litt plass, vil han ha større sannsynlighet for å tygge og spise andhalsen sakte mot å prøve å raskt spise den slik at ingen “stjeler” den! (Dumme hunder.) Denne metoden fungerer best for mitt lille matmonster, Remy.

3. Hakk opp andhalsen før du fôrer.

Dette burde ikke være nødvendig, men hvis du foretrekker å hugge andhalsen litt før du mater dem, kan du gjøre det. På samme måte foretrekker noen rå matere å slipe andhals i en kjøttkvern.

4. Mat andhalsen delvis frossen.

Hvis andhalsen fremdeles er noe frossen, vil hunden din naturlig bremse litt for å knuse den før du spiser. Nesten all den rå maten jeg gir hunden min er delvis frossen av denne grunn.

Rå andhals for katter

Kan du gi katten din rå andhals?

Ja, noen katter vil spise rå andhals mens andre kan være mer kresen. CAT -speideren min er ikke på et rått kosthold, og han er ikke interessert i rå kjøttfulle bein.

Min andre katteboler (Rip, Buddy) ville elsket en andhals! Jeg ga ham rå kalkunhals et par ganger, og han kunne ikke tro lykken!

Andhals er et enda bedre alternativ for katter fordi andhalser vanligvis er mindre enn kalkunhalser.

Det er klart at du sakte vil introdusere nye matvarer for katten din for å unngå en opprørt mage. Det er også best å føre tilsyn når kjæledyrene dine spiser rå bein.

Er du interessert i rå mat og rå andhals til hunden din?

Gi meg beskjed i kommentarene!

Og vennligst del dette innlegget med alle som kan være interessert i rå hund eller rå kattemat fra Darwins! Takk skal du ha!

Besøk Darwins her

-Lindsay & Remy

PetVi evaluation & voucher Code – Nutritional Supplements for family pets

Note: That Mutt as well as PetVi have partnered to bring you this post!

Use code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement at

It’s discouraging when your pet dog is prone to continuous health and wellness problems like itchy skin, ear infections or digestive troubles.

It may feel like you’re at the vet every other month (paying $200 a visit) only to end up ideal back where you started!

Last year was a struggle for my senior pet dog Ace. We were at the vet for an ear infection in March, an eye infection in April, “hot spots” in July as well as continuous treatment for a puzzling, non-healing wound.

Itchy skin as well as ears are so typical for dogs, as well as I understand lots of of you can relate.

It’s really frustrating trying to get to the bottom of these symptoms. Ace even has his own doggy dermatologist now who’s assisting us kind with all of this!

One thing I’ve discovered is it’s crucial to look at the huge photo as well as to assist your dog’s immune system be as strong as it can be.

Recently, I partnered with PetVi, a pet dog nutritional as well as digestive supplement business devoted to assisting dogs get rid of problems associated to itchy skin as well as digestive disorders.

I’m truly ecstatic about the products PetVi uses as well as of program to be able to share them with you.

PetVi’s products include:

PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement (there’s a range for dogs as well as for cats)

PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement + Hip & Joint

PetVi Probiotic Treats

Use voucher code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement at checkout.

More about PetVi’s supplements for pets

PetVi is a business that supplies nutritional as well as digestive supplements for dogs AND cats. My two cats have had the chance to try a few of PetVi’s products ideal along side their sibling Ace.

PetVi’s products are created to assist a pet preserve good health by naturally replacing lots of of the vitamins, minerals as well as enzymes cooked out of produced pet food (kibble).

This isn’t to state that dry pet dog food is bad. It’s just that our family pets miss out on specific vitamins as well as enzymes when they don’t eat sufficient fresh food. It’s not rocket science. And for those of you who feed a raw diet, believe me I comprehend the peace of mind that includes adding a few additional supplements to your recipes.

PetVi’s supplements can be added to dry pet food, canned pet food, homecooked pet foods or raw pet foods. as well as according to the company, the components are all natural.

PetVi stated its a lot of prominent product is its original digestive health and wellness supplement. This is available for both dogs as well as cats.

PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement can assist with:

Restoring as well as preserving gut health
Decreasing a pet’s itchy skin & excess shedding
Decreasing digestive problems
Strengthening the immune system

PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement is a source of dietary fibers, digestive enzymes, omega-3 fatty acid and probiotics. The primary component is suncured alfalfa meal.

Alfalfa is a “super food” that contains fiber as well as vitamins A, E, U, B6, K as well as D, according to PetVi. It likewise consists of important enzymes.

Click right here to buy PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement
(use code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement)

Each 1-pound bag will supply a big pet dog for 30 days, a medium pet dog for 60 days or a little pet dog for 90 days. It likewise includes a 120-day money back guarantee.

PetVi evaluation – Is it assisting Ace?

I just started adding the dietary supplement to Ace’s food two weeks ago, as well as I feel hopeful it will work to boost his immune system. It’s truly as well soon to tell, but I will compose a publish next month with a lot more details.

For those of you who would like to try this product for your dogs together with Ace, go into the giveaway below or get the supplement here. I’ll include your comments in my next post. PetVi as well as I are hoping this product can assist as lots of of my visitors as possible.

As with any type of modification in diet, keep in mind it can take some time to notice any type of modifications as well as new supplements must always be introduced slowly.

Giveaway – Win a bag of PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement for your dog

PetVi is providing away a 1-pound bag of its digestive health and wellness supplement to five lucky visitors of That Mutt so your dogs or cats can try this supplement sammen med kjæledyrene mine.

*De fem vinnerne er blitt varslet.

Og antakelse hva? Denne gave er tilgjengelig for amerikanske så vel som kanadiske lesere! Jeg vet, endelig! ?

For å komme inn, bare legg igjen en kommentar nedenfor, så jeg forstår at kjæledyret ditt vil inn. Hvorfor tror du at kjæledyrhunden din eller kattete vil ha fordel av petvi?

Jeg velger fem vinnere tilfeldig på solen 13. mars. Må ha en amerikansk eller kanadisk postadresse for å vinne.

Husk at du på samme måte kan spare $ 2 per supplement når du bruker kupongkode som er i kassen. Klikk her.

Ville kjæledyrhunden din eller kattedyret prøve Petvis fordøyelseshelse og velværetilskudd?

La meg forstå i kommentarene!

Personlige Pet Dog Books – Sett meg i Story Review

Her er en søt gaveide jeg tror dere vil like: en individualisert Pet Dog Story -bok.

Sett meg i historien er en linje med bøker der du kan tilpasse meldingen for å inkludere hundens navn, en dedikasjonsside og bilder.

Jeg laget en bok med hver av hundene mine, og jeg vil lede deg gjennom prosessen. Det er utrolig enkelt å designe din egen bok. Ingen designferdigheter som trengs i det hele tatt!

Dette innlegget er sponset av Put Me in the Story and Sourcebooks, Inc.

Legg igjen en kommentar på slutten av dette innlegget for en sjanse til å vinne en kupongkode for to gratis bøker du kan tilpasse for å inneholde kjæledyrhunden din eller en venns hund. Jeg velger to vinnere tilfeldig for å vinne to bøker hver. *Giveawayen er avsluttet.

Personlige kjæledyrhundbøker – Sett meg i historieanmeldelsen

Sett meg i historien er en linje med individualiserte bøker for babyer, småbarn, barn og voksne. Bøkene er tilgjengelige i innbundet eller softcover.

Bøkene er kategorisert for babyer og barn etter alder, og det er også bøker du kan tilpasse for voksne som bryllupsbøker, gaver til morsdag, bursdager, gaver til besteforeldre, etc.

Og så er det selvfølgelig de individualiserte bøkene for alle aldre med hundene våre!

Du personaliserer kjæledyrhunden ved å velge 1-4 digitale bilder av kjæledyrhunden din til å inkludere i den trykte boken sammen med hundens navn og en dedikasjonsside. Hvis du ikke er ferdig med arbeidet ditt i ett møte, kan du lagre det til senere og kjøpe når du er ferdig.

“Historien” er fylt med kjæledyrhundbilder med forskjellige inspirerende sitater og ordtak som “alt du trenger er kjærlighet og en hund” og “hunder er ikke hele livet vårt, men de gjør livene våre hele.” Tenk på det som en “salongbordbok.”

De individualiserte kjæledyrhundbøkene er laget for eldre barn og voksne. Imidlertid kan yngre barn fortsatt glede seg over dem på grunn av alle de søte bildene. Spesielt hvis de er egen kjæledyrhund er omtalt!

Bøkene er en beste måte å ønske en ny kjæledyrhund velkommen til familien eller som en måte å hedre en senior kjæledyrhund eller en kjæledyrhund som har dødd.

Jeg liker ideen om å lage en individualisert kjæledyrhundbok som en gave til en venn eller familiemedlem. Og for dere kjæledyrhundvandrere og andre fagpersoner som jobber med kjæledyr, kan det være lurt å tenke på noe slikt for kundene dine.

Det er tre kjæledyrhundbøker å velge mellom og tilpasse:

Hvem reddet hvem?

Du hadde meg på Woof

Bo. Kjærlighet. Bark.

Den generelle ideen er ganske lik på tvers av de tre bøkene med helsides bilder av hunder og gjennomtenkte sitater og ordtak. “Hvem reddet hvem?” Boken er indikert for å hedre adopterte hunder der de to andre er mye mer passende for alle hunder.

Du kan side gjennom hver bok på nettstedet for å se hvilken som er mye ordentlig for din spesielle hund. Jeg liker “live. Kjærlighet. Bark.” Design best fordi du kan publisere 4 forskjellige bilder (de to andre har bare ett bilde som brukes flere ganger).

Kostnad for en individualisert kjæledyrhundbok fra Sett meg i historien

Hver individualiserte kjæledyrhundbok er 8,5 ”med 8,5” i størrelse med omtrent 64 sider.

Innbundet bok: $ 34.99

Softcover -bok: $ 19.99


*Siste dato for å kjøpe bøker i kjøp for å motta levering innen 25. desember er 12. desember ved bakkesending og 18. desember for overføring over natten.

Gratis individualisert kjæledyrhund eBok:

Sett meg i historien har også brukt en gratis ebook -versjon av “You Had Me at Woof” til den Mutts lesere.

For å få en kupongkode, trenger du bare å gå til lenken nedenfor, og når popup-meldingen vises, skriv inn navn og e-postadresse. Bruk koden som er levert for å få eboken din uten kostnad (normalt $ 4,99).


Det må se slik ut:

Fordeler med å sette meg i historien individualiserte bøker:

Kreativ gaveide

Fin måte å hedre et nytt familiemedlem eller en kjæledyrhund som har dødd

Valg mellom mykt eller hardt dekke

3 historiemuligheter å velge mellom

Veldig enkelt å designe boken din!

Du kan lagre arbeidet ditt og komme tilbake til det senere

Ingen reell design eller fotograferingsevner som trengs

Du kan forhåndsvise hele boka ved å klikke på omslaget

Gratis frakt på bestillinger $ 65 eller mer


Du kan ikke redigere den faktiske teksten til historien annet enn en dedikasjonsside for kjæledyrhunden din og hundens navn

Hva er spesielt med disse individualiserte bøkene?

Jeg er sikker på at det er lignende tjenester som dette, men jeg liker at det er så grunnleggende å bruke meg. Du lager ikke en hel fotobok av hunden din. I stedet legger du bare kjæledyrhunden din på et par sider gjennom hele “historien.”

“Hvem reddetWHO?” Historien har et sted hvor du kan nevne ly eller redning der du fikk kjæledyrhunden din og et sted å publisere en logo.

Og utover hunder, sett meg i historien har mange individualiserte historiealternativer for babyer, morsdag, bryllup osv. Du kan virkelig bli kreativ med en gaveide.

Bestill en bok her.

Jeg vil anbefale de individualiserte kjæledyrhundbøkene for …

Bøkene er en spesiell gaveide for enhver kjæledyrhundelsker, uavhengig av hundens alder.

Imidlertid anbefaler jeg spesielt disse bøkene som en søt måte å feire en ny valp eller ny adoptert kjæledyrhund i familien. De er også en spesiell måte å hedre en senior kjæledyrhund eller en kjæledyrhund som nylig har dødd.

Gi bort! Individualiserte kjæledyrhundbøker – Sett meg i historien

Sett meg i historien gir bort to gratis individualiserte pethundbøker til to lesere av den Mutt (to bøker per vinner).

*Giveawayen er avsluttet. Gratulerer til Guat-Lian K. og Emily G.

Å gå inn:

Bare legg igjen en kommentar, så jeg vet at kjæledyrhunden din vil ha på tegningen. Jeg tegner en vinner tilfeldig tirsdag 21. november og kunngjør vinneren her og via e -post.

Må ha en amerikansk postadresse for å vinne.

Vil du vinne en individualisert bok om hunden din?

Gi meg beskjed i kommentarene!

Del dette innlegget med alle personer som kanskje vil vinne disse individualiserte kjæledyrhundbøkene.


Relaterte innlegg:

Hva gjorde folk for deg da kjæledyrhunden din døde?

Personlige kjæledyrhund julestrømper

My Older canine is aggressive to My new Puppy

I composed about exactly how I’m feeling overwhelmed with a puppy.

And then I got all these good comments on exactly how it gets simpler as well as your puppy doesn’t have to be ideal as well as so on.

Only … my primary issue is really my senior canine Ace!

I’m concerned my older canine is being as well aggressive with my puppy when resources are included like his canine bed, toys or … ME.

My adult canine is aggressive to my new puppy

Jump ahead to:
gjemme seg

My adult canine is aggressive to my new puppy

It’s typical for an adult canine to appropriate a puppy

It’s the owner’s task to re-direct the puppy away from the older dog

Where it gets challenging … resource guarding

Older canine attacks new puppy

How to stop your older canine from being aggressive to the new puppy

1. keep canine intros sluggish between the older canine as well as the new puppy.

2. Prevention. Forebygging.

3. Re-direct the puppy away from your older dog.

4. seek out positive experiences between the two dogs.

5. Calmly have both dogs sit as well as then provide them treats.

How to get your older canine to accept your puppy

1. Dogs truly do online in the moment.

2. Dogs adapt.

3. Humans requirement to relocation on too.

4. It’s not personal.

How long does it take an older canine to get utilized to a puppy?

It’s typical for an adult canine to appropriate a puppy

Don’t get me wrong, it’s totally normal for an older canine to appropriate a rambunctious puppy. You can bet the older canine will growl or snarl or even lunge if a puppy is being a pest.

This is exactly how a puppy learns it’s impolite to jump on a dog’s head while he’s resting, for example.

The older canine shouldn’t be scolded for doing this as long as he’s not physically hurting the puppy.

(Some puppies will yelp as well as squeal even if they are not hurt. I don’t react to this.)

It’s the owner’s task to re-direct the puppy away from the older dog

The canine owner needs to make sure to re-direct the puppy from being a pest so the older canine doesn’t have to appropriate the puppy many of the time. phone call it a team effort for setting boundaries.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my totally free puppy training guide. Klikk her

Where it gets challenging … resource guarding

My older canine Ace is certainly showing some resource guarding around his bed, toys and, unfortunately, ME.

This is to be expected, to some degree. If a canine is calmly chewing on a bone, he’s going to growl if a puppy barges over to take it. Again, it’s always the owner’s task to handle these interactions.

However, in my opinion, my older canine Ace has crossed a line a couple of times. (And this still falls on me as the owner. Dogs are dogs.)

Older canine attacks new puppy

Should I let my older canine growl at my puppy? Well, sometimes a bit growling is good, however my older dog’s aggression to my new puppy is much more than what I discover acceptable.

One example was when I was sitting on the floor petting Ace as well as he lunged at my puppy Remy for approaching us.

Ace utilized teeth on Remy’s head for a second as well as left marks (no punctures or scratches). Remy squealed as well as ran away.

I ought to have seen this coming as well as blocked Remy because, let’s be honest, he was BARGING his method onto my lap.

However, I believed Ace’s reaction was out of line.

It left me truly stressed out about exactly how I’m going to handle future interactions between my older canine as well as my puppy.

But on the plus side, Remy is completely fine. He’s pleased go lucky as well as resilient. He likes Ace as well as he is not scared of Ace in the slightest. They do have positive interactions with each other every day.

Other notes about Ace:

He has been ill for 7 months as well as has some pain. He’s likewise had to wear a cone collar which blocks his vision, hearing as well as movement.
I have seen some minor resource guarding from Ace throughout the years (Behavioral problems are seldom “out of nowhere.”)
Since he’s been sick, Ace has shown enhanced resource guarding around my feline Beamer, so it’s not just the puppy.

How to stop your older canine from being aggressive to the new puppy

Here are my suggestions for introducing dogs that will be living together.

In our case, these have assisted things go as smoothly as possible for managing two dogs of different “generations.” Update: sadly our senior canine has now passed away however the two dogs did discover to get along just fine!

1. keep canine intros sluggish between the older canine as well as the new puppy.

That goes for the preliminary satisfying however likewise the next couple of days as well as weeks. slowly integrate them into each other’s lives. Don’t force them to play, interact, cuddle, present for photos, etc.

The two dogs may or may not select to interact naturally, however don’t force them to be finest friends.

See my post: exactly how to introduce your canine to a puppy.

2. Prevention. Forebygging.

Pick up all canine toys, bones, Kongs, food bowls, etc. Don’t provide them chances to fight or guard these items.

It’s smart not to sit on the ground petting one canine if there is any type of danger of “guarding” like my example with Ace. utilize gates, crates as well as leashes as needed.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my totally free puppy training guide. Klikk her

3. Re-direct the puppy away from your older dog.

The new puppy ought to not be enabled to bother the older dog. The older canine needs to understand you have his back.

4. seek out positive experiences between the two dogs.

Do walks go well? opt for great deals as well as great deals of walks together as a pack if possible. Bring one more adult along to help.

My canine Ace does much much better with Remy when we’re outside. He tolerates Remy getting in his deal with for the most part as long as we’re outside. 

They can walk together, sniff the exact same bushes, touch noses. I’m utilizing that to produce positive interactions. “Jippi! Such great boys! treats for all!”

5. Calmly have both dogs sit as well as then provide them treats.

Dog Behaviorist Dr. Patricia McConnell has an outstanding publish on dog-to-dog resource guarding.

One concept she noted is to provide both dogs treats one after the other for calm behavior. This is presuming you have no tension between the dogs and there is no danger of combating while they’re sitting there.

In our situation this works truly well. I utilize a spoon of peanut butter, have both dogs sit (Remy tethered) as well as state their names one after the other providing them a few licks turning back as well as forth.

It teaches Remy to stay as well as teaches Ace fun things occur around Remy.

How to get your older canine to accept your puppy

1. Dogs truly do online in the moment.

Even if they fight or bite they typically relocation on from second to second. They can have numerous positive interactions in any type of provided day.

2. Dogs adapt.

Even if two dogs have had a couple of poor interactions they can relocation on as well as online peacefully together if they’re set up for success. typically anyway. There are exceptions.

3. Humans requirement to relocation on too. 

Dog owners have to relocation on as well as modification their mindsets as well. even if something poor has occurred, you have to relocation on.

For example, I requirement to stay light as well as positive (not tense). I can’t sit there predicting a reaction from Ace or it’s bound to happen. I may even cause a reaction.

4. It’s not personal.

My older canine is aggressive to my new puppy, however Ace is not capable of “hating” Remy or being upset with me for getting a new dog.

Those are human emotions. My canine is just being a dog, guarding what he feels is important as well as protecting his space. While we can make it complicated, it’s truly quite simple.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my totally free puppy training guide. Klikk her

How long does it take an older canine to get utilized to a puppy?

It just depends upon the dogs. In our case, things got a great deal much better when our puppy was about 5 months old. At that age, he was big sufficient where I wasn’t so concerned my older canine would hurt him.

And, at that age my puppy seemed to have much more typical sense as well as understanding about my older dog’s limits.

My puppy would still push the limits, however he comprehended there would be consequences such as a ferocious growl or a snap. He understood to “proceed with caution.”

Remy as well as Ace frequently cuddled up on the exact same bed together

I still supervised them, of course, however I wasn’t as concerned my puppy would get hurt. around this time, my older canine seemed to have accepted our puppy as well as was quite indifferent to him as long as the pup left him alone.

Then, when my puppy hit about 18 months old, they would even nap together on the exact same bed.

This was not since they were great buddies however since my older canine would be noise asleep asI samsvar med Remy ville gli inn for en kos. Da Ace våknet med Remy Best der, så han ut til å tåle det så lenge Remy var rolig så vel som stille.

Ok …

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Jeg liker å høre fra deg! La meg forstå din erfaring eller problemer i kommentarene.

*Hvis du nettopp har fått en ny valp, kan du laste ned min helt gratis valpetreningsguide. Klikk her

Noen av mine foretrukne hjørnetannprodukter:

Velvære behandler. Velværebrønnbitt er godbiter praktisk talt alle hunder er forberedt på å jobbe for så vel som fokus på!
Behandle bag. Bær godbitene dine i en praktisk godbitspose rundt midtseksjonen, så du er alltid forberedt på å belønne hjørnetannen din for hæl, kommer når du blir kalt eller betaler renter for deg.
Skånsom leder. En mild leder hjelper at mange hunder oppdager å ikke trekke i båndet.
Darwins rå mat. Hundene mine spiser fersk, rå mat levert til døren vår fra Darwins. Få 10 pund for bare $ 14,95 samt helt gratis frakt. Ingen kode kreves.

Andre ressurser:

Hvordan unngå kamper mellom hundene dine (Ace & Remy Update!)
Hvordan introdusere hunder
Jeg angrer på at jeg fikk en valp
Hvor mye ressursvakt å tillate?
Hunden min knurrer mot andre hunder
Hvordan bryte en hundes besittelsesevne
Ressursvakting av hunde-til-hund (Patricia McConnell)

Lindsay Stordahl er skaperen av den mutten. Hun komponerer om hjørnetann, hjørnetrans, samt å mate et sunt rå kosthold.

Should You walk Your Puppy before He’s had His Vaccinations?

Puppy vaccinations – when is it ok to walk a puppy?

I believe it’s ok to walk your puppy before he’s had his vaccinations. use common sense and keep the walks to your own yard and neighborhood. avoid areas with a lot of dog traffic such as dog parks and dog beaches.

Exercising a puppy, socializing a puppy and potty training a puppy are all very important. but some new puppy owners hold back on walks in order to keep the puppy “safe” until he’s had all his puppy vaccinations. (Usually around 4 months old.)

I get a lot of comments and emails along the lines of, “I have to use puppy pads because I can’t take my puppy outside for another two months.”

Or, “How can I exercise my puppy? He’s barking all day, but my vet said to keep him inside your home for three more weeks.”

OK … yikes.

I’m not sure if vets are truly telling people to keep their puppies inside your home at all times or if people are misunderstanding the advice. Yes, it’s good to be a bit cautious. but you do not have to totally isolate your puppy, either.

There are real risks of illness such as parvo and distemper, and that is why some vets recommend keeping your puppy indoors.

But there are also risks to not socializing and exercising a puppy. many young and healthy dogs are surrendered to shelters every year due to a lack of exercise, socialization and training.

So … you have to weigh the pros and cons for your own area and comfort level. Parvo is a more serious risk in some areas and a very low risk in other areas.

Your dog’s vet will be able to give you the best advice for your area. You could also call another vet for a 2nd opinion and check with local animal shelters.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Klikk her

Puppies and vaccinations – When can puppies go outside?

We all have to make the best decision for our own puppy. So just because I am comfortable walking a puppy in my own neighborhood, that doesn’t mean it’s the right decision for you.

A reader of my blog left a comment on this article that got me thinking about this topic. Han skrev:

“… Parvo and lepto and other illnesses are serious, but there are definitely ways to balance risks in a way that lets puppies experience more of the world …”

Bra sagt. later on in this article, I list tips on how you can safely socialize and exercise your puppy before he’s had his vaccinations.

Each dog owner must find a sensible balance. The right balance will be different for each of us, depending on where we live, the age of the puppy and our general views on vaccinations.

When can I walk my puppy after vaccinations?

When I got my 8-week-old weimaraner puppy, he’d had his first found of parvo/distemper vaccinations from his breeder. That meant I still had to schedule additional boosters through our vet over the next few weeks.

During that time, I walked my puppy on the sidewalks in our neighborhood. I did not take him to heavily dog-busy places such as the dog park, the dog beach or Petco.

Taking him outside for potty training and walks was worth the tiny risk of my puppy getting sick. I would never consider keeping him inside your home 100%.

But I lived in a middle-class neighborhood in San Diego county where nearly everyone vaccinated their dogs and spayed or neutered their dogs.

Of course, there was still a chance my puppy could’ve gotten sick, but I was willing to take that risk and walk him regularly. (Read on for two more examples from other puppy owners.)

Puppy vaccinations, when to walk?

Since I took my puppy outside, he had an easy time with potty training. My puppy was better behaved because he had enough exercise. He also had a chance to start socializing around different people, noises, sights and sounds in the neighborhood.

Socialization is so important for a powerful breed like a weim.

To be honest, I don’t know how I would’ve managed my high-energy puppy had I not been able to walk him. He was hyper enough even with walks.

Yes, there are risks that your puppy could contact illness such as parvo if you take him for walks. However, these risks are lower in some areas and pretty much non-existent in others.

Also see my post: how far can I walk my puppy?

Tips on how to socialize your puppy before he’s had all vaccinations

I’ve made my opinion on this topic pretty clear, but I want to share some ideas from other puppy owners. I have two examples for you below.

In the comments section, there are also some good examplesfor your consideration. The consensus is most people do walk their puppies or start taking them to safe areas like friends’ houses with vaccinated dogs for socialization.

However, there are also examples in the comments of puppies getting sick from parvo.

And by all means, of course you can take your puppy out into your own yard!

Another great resource is behaviorist Dr. Patricia McConnell’s book, “The Puppy Primer.”

Here are two examples from other puppy owners. These will help you decide if you should walk your puppy before he’s had his vaccinations:

1. invite your friends over for puppy play dates.

Blogger Kimberly Gauthier recently raised two puppies – littermates Scout and Zoey, pictured below at 6 months old. I wanted to hear how she found the right balance. (Beautiful dogs, right?)

“I was really worried about canine parvo virus with our puppies, so dog parks, which have a host of risks, were out of the question,” Gauthier said.

One thing she did to help socialize her puppies was to invite friends over.

“No one can pass up an opportunity to spend time with puppies,” she said. “Everyone stayed for at least an hour just basking in puppy breath.”

She also signed the pups up for a training and socialization class once they’d had the required vaccinations. And, she took them to a “puppy play hour” on Sundays.

“This helped prepare them for pack walks,” Gauthier said. “We go on those with a friend with a puppy a few times a month and once a week with another friend who has two dogs.”

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Klikk her

2. visit places where there are not a lot of dogs.

Colby Morita is a volunteer puppy raiser for groups such as guide Dogs of America and Canine support Teams. He writes about his experience on his blog here, and you may remember my interview with him on how to be a guide dog puppy raiser.

When Morita raises a guide dog puppy, he said he brings the puppy home at 7-8 weeks of age and attends guide dog puppy kindergarten right away.

It’s important to socialize the puppies while also being cautious of contagious illness like parvo, he said. avoid places frequented by unknown dogs, such as dog parks and pet stores, until the puppies have had their final series of vaccinations around 16 weeks.

He said he gets emails every day about this subject.

“My main thought is there is definitely increased risk of your puppy dying from contagious disease if you take him out of the house,” he said. “But there is far greater risk of your puppy ultimately getting euthanized because of behavior problems.”

He suggested some ways to socialize pups such as:

attending puppy classes
visiting friends’ homes
taking car rides
exposing the pups to different sounds and surfaces

“The list could go on and on,” he said. “When we first got Linus – not a guide dog pup – we grabbed a bag full of treats, a mat, and brought him outside the post office and asked people to give him a treat.”

Here are more tips for walking a puppy before he’s had his shots

I also thought of these ideas:

Take your puppy for walks around the neighborhood. avoid walking in busy places like dog beaches until she’s fully vaccinated.
Set up play dates with vaccinated, adult dogs that are tolerant of puppies. invite them over, or take your puppy there.
Safely secure your puppy in the car, and take her for rides to get her used to the car. I use the dog seatbelt from Mighty Paw.
Ask pet-obsessed friends if you can bring your puppy over for a half-hour or so.
Get your puppy used to different things at home such as nail trims, having a bath & the sound of the vacuum. Also, the sound of your kid’s band instrument, seeing family members dressed in big hats and coats, etc.
Use lots of treats to make new experiences positive for your puppy. My favorite are the wellness Well Bites training treats

For more on puppy socialization:

Puppy socialization tips
Common socialization mistakes

Puppy vaccination schedule

Puppies in the united states are typically vaccinated against:


Every region is a bit different and not all vaccines are the same, so talk with your own vet and your puppies breeder or rescue for the best plan for your own puppy.

I live in Montana, and our vet vaccinates all puppies against the three illness I mentioned above. These are the most serious illness and can cause severe illness or death.

Parvo and distemper vaccinations for puppies

Our vet gives parvo and distemper vaccines together in a combo starting when a puppy is 6 weeks old and again every 3 weeks until the puppy is 16 weeks old. The dog will get a booster one year later and then a vaccine every 3 years.

The breeder or shelter will typically give your puppy that initial round of vaccines around 6 weeks. Ask them for a record of this and bring it to your puppy’s first vet appointment.

Rabies vaccination for puppies

Our vet gives puppies the rabies vaccine at 14-16 weeks. then the dog will get a booster one year later. After that, it’s every 3 years.

Optional vaccines for puppies

Bordetella (kennel cough) is an optional vaccine and there are several other optional vaccines such as Lyme disease, Leptospirosis and a rattlesnake vaccine.

Depending on where you live and what you make with your puppy, you may want to consider these vaccines. Bordetella is typically required if you want to board your puppy or take your puppy to dog daycare, for example.

So how about the rest of you?

Have you recently raised a puppy? how did you find the right balance of when to walk your puppy?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Klikk her

My favorite products for Puppies

Wellness Well Bites TreatsIf you have them on hand when you’re out and about, you can always reward your puppy for good behavior. These treats are small and most puppies love them!
Long training leashThis allows you to exercise your puppy in safe environments, even if you don’t have a fenced yard. Your puppy can run, play, sniff and stretch but you don’t have to worry about going to a dog park or other busy area.
Kong Flier Fetch ToyThe Kong Flier Frisbee is a durable toy that’s soft on the puppy’s mouth. It’s great for playing fetch in the yard and getting in some much-needed activity!
Fresh Raw dog FoodI started feeding my puppy raw food from Darwin’s. Get 75% off your first 10 pounds here. No code required.

Other resources:

Exercise ideas for puppies
Am I doing everything wrong with my puppy?
Should you get pet insurance for your puppy?
When can I go running with my puppy?
How to potty train a puppy
Stop puppy’s biting and nipping

Get all of our puppy training tips HERE.

Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of That Mutt. She writes about dog training, dog exercise and feeding a healthy raw diet.

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Oppdatering: GoDaddy sa på bloggen sin at “vi trekker annonsen fra den utrolige skålen.” Valpevideoen er ikke lenger tilgjengelig på YouTube.

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Vel, en GoDaddy -reklame som ble utgitt denne uken, har også en tapt valp. Bare denne annonsen har litt av en vri.

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Why Do Dogs Lean On You?

Do dogs lean on us out of dominance?

I saw a comment thread on reddit where everyone was saying how cute it is when their dogs lean on them for affection. most people said they like when their dogs lean on them, and they don’t seem to think anything of it, good or bad.

Then there were a few people who jumped in preaching Cesar-Millan talk, saying that a dog that leans on you is trying to assert his dominance. and of course this created all kinds of drama as people became overly emotional and defensive about “dominance theory.”

Here’s the thing: sometimes dogs do use their bodies to claim space or to get to an object first or to simply be in the lead. call it dominance. call it cute. call it whatever you want. It’s what dogs do.

But not a single person (except yours truly!) brought up the fact that many dogs will lean on their owners for security. They will lean on their owners because they are shy, fearful or insecure in that moment. They are not trying to dominate their owners. They are trying to feel safe.

Nine times out of 10, when dogs lean on us they really are just seeking attention. They like to be close to people. and yes, sometimes it’s rude.

Why dogs lean on us

My dogs Ace will come up and slam his side into my legs, wiggling his body into a U shape and whipping his tail every which way.

I don’t see this as dominance (although he does want my attention) or insecurity (although he does feel safer with me around). He’s just trying to connect with his best friend! og gjett hva? Det fungerer!

I always bend down and give him a good butt scratch. “Good boy, Ace!”

But there are dog owners who don’t read into anything their dogs are telling them. everything the dog does is cute or funny to them, even when the dog is trying to communicate something. To them, a dog that leans couldn’t possibly be trying to say anything other than “I love you.”

And then there are dog owners who assume every action from a dog always means the same thing. Growling always represents dominance, for example. Or a wagging tail always represents happiness. Or leaning always represents friendship. Hmm …

In order to understand our dogs, we need to pay more attention to what they are trying to communicate during each specific situation.

Dogs can certainly block us with their bodies in order to gain access to what they want, but they will also lean on us in order to feel safe.

Here are some examples of when an insecure dog might lean on his owner:

1. shy dogs will typically lean on their owners in order to feel safe

My former foster dog Cosmo was a leaner.

He would lean on me when someone came to the door or when we attended an adoption event. This wasn’t because he was trying to dominate me. He was leaning on me in order to feel more secure.

Poor Cosmo was always stressed at adoption events. His ears would be back. He would avoid direct eye contact with people. He would pant with an open mouth. usually one front paw would be raised and tucked up into his chest. sometimes he trembled. sometimes he even growled at people.

No wonder no one was very interested in him during these events!

I made sure not to give Cosmo affection when he leaned on me for security. telling him “It’s OK. Det er greit. good boy,” would only teach him to continue looking to me for security. In order to help him grow as an individual and build his confidence, I had to teach him not to depend on me so much.

So I would block Cosmo with my hip or my elbow (I was usually sitting on the floor with him). Or I would simply move away or up into a chair. He would usually shift back in order to lean on me again, and I would move away again as well. When he was relaxed and lying next to me without touching, I would pet him calmly.

Jeg vet jeg vet. some of you are thinking, “But affection does not reinforce a dog’s fears.” Det er sant. and I’m not saying you should correct a fearful dog. just look for ways to block some habits in order to slowly help the dog move on and grow.

See my post: Does affection reward a fearful dog?

Treats and favorite toys can also be very useful to help distract an insecure dog from everything going on. You can use treats to get him to think about something else like sit or stay and build his confidence that way. sometimes I would make Cosmo lie down and stay a foot away. then he would get the treat as a reward for maintaining distance. “Wow, what a good boy! So brave!”

2. Some dogs climb into their owners’ laps in order to feel more secure

Some little dogs will climb into their owners’ laps in order to feel more secure. big dogs try this as well, but it’s usually the smaller dogs that tremble in their owners’ arms because they fear something in the environment.Instead, the owner should place the dog on the ground and slowly help him understand that nothing bad happens in new situations. The owner should ignore the dog or move away when he frantically paws at her legs to get back up. She should give him a treat or pick him up only when he is calm or if the situation is truly risky for the little guy.

And of course, it’s important not to completely overwhelm the dog. If he’s fearful of new people and dogs it would be unfair to set him on the ground in the middle of a PetSmart or a street fair. but the owner should seek out less “scary” situations first and slowly challenge the dog more and more from there.

Some dogs will even become possessive of their owners, growling and biting from their owners’ arms if anyone gets too close. Of course they are going to be possessive. They don’t want to be removed from their “power source.”

But even these dogs are not barking out of dominance. They are barking up a storm because they are insecure. They are acting defensively.

So how can an owner fix this problem?

The same way as above. seek out situations that are not too overwhelming, and keep the dog on the ground. carrying him around will not help him build confidence.

Most little guys will right away try to jump back into their owners’ arms – their place of empowerment.

The owner should not allow this, not unless the dog is truly in danger.

If the dog tries to jump back into his owner’s lap, she should block him with her arm. If he makes it into her lap, she should stand and push him off or set him on the ground. If he starts growling and barking at people from her feet, she should put his leash on him and tether him away from her. She should reward him when he’s calm and not barking or crying.

The goal is to help the dog grow as an individual by weaning him away from his dependence on his owner.

See my post: how to stop my dog from guarding me.

3. Some dogs will hide between their owners’ legs at the dog park

When dogs hide between their owners’ legs at the dog park, many owners respond by petting the dog or talking to the dog.

Instead, it’s best to just step away. Fortsett. Don’t allow the dog to hide behind you or under you. help the dog build his confidence by decreasing his dependence on you.

If the dog seems overly shy or fearful, just walk away from the other dogs, re-group and return again after a few seconds. You don’t want to overwhelm your dog too much by forcing him to interact right off the bat. check out the dog park during quieter hours and don’t plan on staying for long. If he plays for a few seconds and then seems overwhelmed, just quit while you are ahead. At least he played for a few seconds. That is a success.

Some dogs appreciate socializing in smaller groups just like some people like to socialize in smaller groups. Some dogs and some people get tired of socializing sooner than others. Heck, I’m one of the most introverted people I know! I can certainly relate to all those introverted dogs out there.

What have you noticed about your dog when he leans on you?

Is he usually seeking attention? Makt? Sikkerhet? probably all of the above, depending on the situation. let us know in the comments!

Relaterte innlegg:

Why do dogs raise their hackles?

Dog walking difficulty – day 16 #ActiveMutts

exactly how is it choosing walking your canine every day?

This 21-day difficulty (details here) has truly assisted me stay with walking my canine every day, even on those days where I get hectic or exhausted as well as just don’t want to do it.

Going for a walk is the highlight of my dog’s day. He provides me so much as well as is so client with me – I owe him a everyday walk.

Many of you have certainly had to offer with the weather during this challenge. There have certainly been some days around the country where it’s just not risk-free to be out walking. Not so for me right here in sunny San Diego.

And, although I haven’t been extremely great at getting photos of my canine on these walks, I’ve really taken much more than typical since of this challenge.

I’ve likewise truly delighted in seeing the pics the rest of you have posted.

I’m believing about starting another “challenge” next month to keep motivating people to be active with their mutts as well as sharing photos of their adventures. I would share a collection of these pictures on the blog each week. Hva tror du? would you be interested?

I shared some pics last week, however right here are a few much more from the last week or so:

I like seeing the pictures of you men out as well as about in different locations with your dogs.

How you can win some treats from Bravo

There’s one week to go in our challenge! On Sunday I’ll be doing a drawing to provide away a bag of Crunchy Delights canine treats from Bravo, which the business is providing.

To go into the drawing, just dedicate to joining us on the staying 6 days of the canine walking difficulty (more details here). You just have to walk your canine everyday as well as dedicate to working on a particular training goal during each walk.

Then, do one of the following:


Post a picture of your active mutt to That Mutt’s Facebook page

Email a picture of your active mutt to me at

Post about the difficulty on Twitter utilizing #activemutts

Leave a comment on any type of of the difficulty messages such as this one


*Must have a U.S. mailing address to win the treats. Update: Congrats, Teresa!

More about Bravo

Bravo offers treats, supplements as well as frozen raw diets for dogs as well as cats.

It is a household had business found in Connecticut, as well as its products are made with the highest-quality meats, poultry as well as fish, according to its web site.

See Bravo Pet Foods for much more information.

How is the canine walking as well as training difficulty going for you?

Distinguished Dogs – 10 eldre

Jeg har et så mykt sted for seniorhunder, spesielt ettersom min egen hund begynner å vise mer grå i ansiktet.

Når jeg endelig er klar til å adoptere min neste hund, er det en god sjanse for at det blir en eldre hund. Det er bare noe med det søte, grå ansiktet – som min tidligere Foster Dog Dora The Lack Lab på det første bildet.

Jeg vet at mange av dere har noen spesielle seniorhunder, selv om noen av dem kanskje ikke oppfører seg som om de er eldre! Send “Distinguished Dog” -bildene til for å se dem omtalt i neste Distinguished Dogs Post.

1 – Dora


3 – Bandit – Foto av Alan Wesley

4 – Mandi5 – Chi Mix for adopsjon med fylket San Diego

6 – Drake

7 – For adopsjon med fylket San Diego



10 – ess

Send dine utmerkede hundebilder til